Torne-se criativo. O ócio pode ser o trampolim para a criatividade. Ao cochilar no sofá, sonhar acordado numa rede ou caminhar a esmo pela vizinhança, sua mente terá a chance de trazer à tona idéias criativas que estavam no inconsciente. Muitos cientistas, artistas e escritores mencionaram que suas idéias mais brilhantes surgiram em períodos de completa inatividade, então, aproveite a idéia e permita-se fazer absolutamente nada por ora.
Get creative. Idleness is the springboard to creativity. By snoozing on the couch, daydreaming in a hammock or taking an aimless walk around the neighborhood, your unconscious mind will have a chance to raise creative ideas to the surface. Many world class scientists, artists and writers report that their most groundbreaking ideas come to them during periods of complete inactivity, so harness this insight and allow yourself to do absolutely nothing for a while.
Get creative. Idleness is the springboard to creativity. By snoozing on the couch, daydreaming in a hammock or taking an aimless walk around the neighborhood, your unconscious mind will have a chance to raise creative ideas to the surface. Many world class scientists, artists and writers report that their most groundbreaking ideas come to them during periods of complete inactivity, so harness this insight and allow yourself to do absolutely nothing for a while.