sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

O Gato no Natal!

Existe uma lenda de cerca de 100-200 anos que diz que você deve vestir pelo menos uma peça de roupa nova no Natal, senão você será pego pelo Gato do Natal que, supostamente seria um tipo de monstro originário de países nórdicos. Será que é por isso que gostamos de vestir uma roupa nova no Natal?

Mini quilt baseado na criação de Eleanor Burns

There is a legend, that is 100-200 years old,which says that unless you get at least one new garment to wear for Christmas you "get caught by the Christmas Cat" or "dress the Christmas Cat" as the saying goes. The Christmas Cat was supposed to be some kind of a monster that originally came from the other nordic countries. But still today we talk about it and make sure that everyone has something new to wear on Christmas otherwise you'll get caught.

Mini quilt based on creation of Eleanor Burns

2 comentários:

  1. I had not heard of that. What a fun tradition! Although I love cats... Adorable mini quilt!

  2. Beautiful wall hanging and interesting legend!



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