terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2012


A maioria das espécies de hortênsia pode ser cultivada em pleno sol ou sombra parcial. Elas são resistentes a maioria dos insetos e doenças e podem ser cultivadas em uma grande variedade de solos, mas preferem um solo rico e úmido. Evite locais secos e ventosos, pois as folhas grandes e macias perdem água rapidamente, fazendo a folhagem a murchar.
A cor das variedades rosa e azul é determinada pelo grau de acidez do solo. Variedades de rosa desenvolvem-se melhor em estufa a um pH do solo de 6,5 a 7,0., enquanto que a melhor cor azul ocorre em pH 5,0-5,5.

Most species of hydrangeas can be grown in either full sun or partial shade. They are resistant to most insects and diseases. They can be grown in a wide range of soil but prefer a rich, moist soil and should be planted where watering will not be a problem. Avoid dry windy sites, as their large, soft leaves lose water quickly, especially on hot, windy days, causing the foliage to wilt. The color of the pink and blue varieties is determined by the degree of soil acidity. Pink varieties develop color best in the greenhouse at a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0., while the best blue color occurs at pH 5.0 to 5.5.

9 comentários:

  1. Hoi Ane,
    Schitterend! Ik hou van Hortensia's en vind dit een prachtige creatie! Groetjes

  2. Oh, que bela hortênsia! Técnica interessante, bem feito. Bravo!

  3. Dank u!
    спасибо! (I hope it is right...)

  4. Such helpful information! Thank you! I have loved these flowers for years but was afraid they might not be able to thrive in my climate. You've almost given me the courage to try!

  5. Adorable hortensia, and your flower information is so interesting!


  6. So beautiful Ane! I love hydrangeas and your version is just as wonderful as the real thing. Hugs ~ Melissa, One Day In May


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