sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010


As cores dos fogos de artifício dependem dos componentes químicos usados. O Lítio é um metal usado para dar a cor vermelha e o Bário e componentes do Cobre conferem a cor verde.

Lithium is a metal that is used to impart a red color to fireworks. Barium and copper compounds are used to create green colors in fireworks.

Design do bordado: Miriam Klaassen

Fotografia ambientada na Floricultura Vila Rosa

4 comentários:

  1. My goodness Ane, Your ornaments are just sooo beautiful! These and the ones in the posts below. The colors, the stitching, the patterns...they're really so gorgeous! Your tree must be so, so beautiful! xo Paulette

  2. Oh, perfect combination of form, size and colours!

    Best wishes,

  3. I knew by the name of your post these were going to be beautiful. It was fun to learn how they create the beautiful fireworks colors, too. You always have such great trivia!

  4. We did it again! We crossed in electronic airwaves! We must have a deep connection to keep doing that!


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