quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2010

Peppermint Candy or Gingerbread Man?

Os doces de menta em forma de bengala já existem há séculos. Somente por volta de 1900 é que eles foram decorados com listas vermelhas e dobrados no formato de bengalas. Esses doces, as vezes, eram usados para manter as crianças quietas durante as missas.
Os biscoitos de gengibre geralmente têm o formato humanóide e rude, com pés grossos e sem dedos. Muitos biscoitos têm face, com olhos e boca entalhados na massa ou aplicados posteriormente com açúcar ou chocolate.

Candy canes have been around for centuries, but it wasn't until around 1900 that they were decorated with red stripes and bent into the shape of a cane. They were sometimes handed out during church services to keep the children quiet.
Most gingerbread men share the same roughly humanoid shape, with stubby feet and no fingers. Many gingerbread men have a face, though whether the features are indentations within the face itself or other candies stuck on with icing or chocolate varies from recipe to recipe.

2 comentários:

  1. Such a lovely ball, combination of fabrics is fantastic!

    Best wishes,

  2. I, too, love the colors. Made me hungry reading about candy canes and gingerbread men!


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